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Mental disorders are health conditions that are characterized by alterations in thinking, mood, or behavior, or some combination thereof, which are associated with distress and impaired functioning and result in human problems that may include disability, pain, or death. (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1999).

Cognitive disorders are mental disorders that develop on the basis of cognitive mental disorder perspective. The cognitive mental disorder perspective is the theory that psychological disorders originate from an interruption, whether short or long, in our basic cognitive functions, i.e. memory processing, perception, problem solving and language. This perspective takes opposition to the psycho dynamic mental disorder perspective, behavioral mental disorder perspective, sociocultural mental disorder perspective, interpersonal mental disorder perspective and neurological/biological mental disorder perspective(Wikipedia, 2009).
a. Sensation disorder
b. Perception disorder
Hallucinations can occur because the basics of organic functional, psychotic or hysterical.
1) Auditory hallucination
2) Visual hallucination
3) Olafactory hallucination
4) Gustatory hallucination
5) Tactyl hallucination
6) Sexual hallucination
7) Kinesthetic hallucination
8) Visceral hallucination

Attention is the centralization and concentration of energy rate in a cognitive process that comes from the outside due to a stimulation. in order to gain attention, there are three conditions must be satisfied that the Inhibition, all stimuli that do not contain the object of attention should removed
; Apersepsi, who presented only thing closely related to the object of attention; Adaptation, tools that are used to serve both as necessary to adjust to the object of work.
a. Destructibility
b. Approx
c. Hyperprocexia

Memory is the ability to record, produce content and signs of consciousness. so the process of memory consists of three elements : the recording, storage and recalling.
Disruption of memory occurs when there is interference on one or more of three elements, factors affecting the physical condition and age. After 50 years of age memory function will be reduced gradually.
a. Amnesia
b. Hyper amnesia
c. Paramnesia
¤ Confabulation
¤ Falsification of retrospective
¤ Déjà vu (memory illusion)
¤ De jamais vu

Mental processes with a feeling, impression or memory representation tends to give the impression or the memory response / other concept, which was previously associated with that.
a. Retardation
b. Poverty of ideas
c. Preservation
d. Flight of ideas
e. Incoherence
f. Blocking
g. Aphasia

Consideration is a mental process to compare / evaluate several options in a framework by giving grades to decide the purpose and objectives of an activity.
three things that support the functioning of the consideration, namely: sensory apparatus capable and have a thorough perception of discrimination.

Public mind is to put the relationship between the various parts of one's knowledge. thinking is a process to unite or connect ideas by thinking, forming the sense to draw conclusions, and the processes to form new ideas. so in the process of thinking involves the consideration process of understanding, memory and reasoning.
The normal thinking process flow contains ideas, symbols and associations that focus on the goals generated by a problem or task that can lead to a solution-oriented reality.
a. Disorder of the mind
* Derystic thinking
* Autistic thinking
* Nonrealistic thinking
* Obsessive thinking
* Confabulation

b. Ways of thinking disorder include ways and speed the process of association in the mind.
@ Flight of ideas
@ Retardation
@ Preservation
@ Circumstantiality (convoluted thoughts, thoughts swirling)
@ Incoherence
@ Blocking
@ Logorea
@ Neologism
@ Irrelevance i
@ Aphasia

c. Content of thinking disorder (includes a non-verbal thoughts or content described thought).
# Suspicious.
1) Expansive suspicious
2) Depressive suspicious
3) Somatys suspicious
4) Nihilistic suspicious
5) Chase suspicious
6) Relation/connection suspicious
# Phobia
# Ideas of reference,
# Thought insertion
# Thought brood cast

Awareness is the ability to make contact with on environmental and himself through pancainderadan a limitation on the environment and himself.
a. Quantitative awareness
• Decreased awareness
1) Apathetic (consciousness like a sleepy).
2) Somnolen (like a sleepy consciousness right, to give an answer when stimulated).
3) Spoor (only react with strong stimuli, memory, orientasidan considerations already lost).
4) Subcoma and coma (do not get any reaction to stimuli).
• High awareness

b. Qualitative awareness
There is a change in the quality of consciousness, can be caused by toxic conditions, organic and psikogen.
• Stupor,
• Twilight state,
• Fugue
• Confusion.
• Tranco
c. Orientation disorder

Ability is a process which wishes to be considered and then decided to be carried out until reaching the goal. Desire be damaged by emotional disturbances, cognitive disturbances, organic brain damage, in a state not trained or even too much exercise.
a. Abulia (weak desire)
b. Negativism
c. Rigidity
d. Compultion
* Cleptomania (compulsive stealing)
* Pyromania (burn compulsive)
* Washing the hands repeatedly with can not be prevented or controlled.

Emotion is a conscious experience and give effect to the activities of the body and produces organic and kinetic sensations.
Associated with affective understanding, the emotion is a manifestation of affective out accompanied by many physiological components., usually relatively short.
a. Euphoria
b. Elation
c. Exaltation
d. Exlation (excitement)
e. Inappropriate affect
f. Affect rigid
g. Labile emotions
h. Anxiety ang depression
i. Ambivalenty
j. Apathetic
k. Flat and blunt emotion

Psychomotor body movements that are influenced by the state of mind that is a joint affects the body and soul. also include conditions, motor behavior or motor aspects of a behavior.
a. Hyperactivity
@ Hyperactivity, hyperkinesia.
@ Hypertonisytation, handle increased muscle tone.
@ Catatonic agitated noise
b. Hyphoactivity
# Hypoactivity, hyphokinesia
# Motor inertia, overall decreased activity, for example in the catatonic stupor.
# Atonisitas, state tone and abnormal muscle contraction, can be completely or partially.
# Paralisa, loss of muscle function in whole or in part only
c. Inappropriate activity
* Ataxia, there is no coordination in the movement in his legs or feet.
* Apraksia, unable to manipulate objects in a directed way.
* Atetosis, continuous movement, diffuse, such as legs and felt pain.
* khoreiform movement, irregular movements continuously controlled not by the will.
* Spasm
* Tremor
* Convulsions
d. Activity repeatedly
- Katalepsi, maintaining a rigid body positions made by others maintained.
- Flexibility serea
- Stereotypes, one of the movement of the body repeatedly and is not intended.
- Manerisma, stereotyped movements and theatrical, ritual and form of repeated.
e. Automatism
he or she commands according to a command automatically without conscious.
@ Automatism, do something automatically as a symbolic expression of unconscious activity.
@ Ephoraxia, directly imitate another person's movements when he saw.
@ Ekholalya, direct repeat or imitate what others are saying.
f. Negativism
A psychological defense is concerned with the fight or argue against what they were told.

Sleep, eating, and sexual function are basic human drives that closely related to good phsycal and mental health.
a. Sleep disorder
# Dyssomnias
1) Insomnia
2) Daytime sleepiness
# Primary hypersomnia
# Sleep latency
# Narcolepsy
# Sleep paralysis
# Breathing related sleep disorder
# Parasomnias
b. Eating disorder
* Bulimia nervosa
* Anorexia nervosa

c. Sexual disorder
Sexuality is part of any person’s personality. It is an important dimension of a person and influences how that person views herself and presents herself to others.
- Taking a sexual history
- Specific sexual disorder
Sexual disorders fall into two basic categories :
1) Disorders of sexual functioning
2) Paraphilias
• Exhibitionism
• Fetishism
• Frotteurism
• Pedophilia
• Sexual masochism
• Sexual sadism
• Voyeurism
• Transvestic fetishism
• Other paraphilias

A personality disorder is defined by the Fourth Edition-Text Revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV-TR) as an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual’s culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time and leads to distress or impairment (American Psychiatric Association).
a. Dramatic and emotional personality
1) Borderline personality disorder
2) Narcissistic personality disorder
3) Histrionic personality disorder
4) Antisocial personality disorder
b. Odd and eccentric personality cluster
@ Schizoid personality disorder
@ Schizotypal personality disorder
@ Paranoid personality disorder
c. Anxiety and fear based personality cluster
# Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is rigid and stubborn.
# Avoidant personality disorder
# Dependent personality disorder
# Passive-aggressive or negativistic personality disorder

Antai Otong, Deborah.(1995). Psychiatric Nursing : Biological and Behavioral Concepts. Philadelphia: W.B Saunders Company

Barry, Patricia D. 1998. Mental Health & Mental Illness 6th edition. Philadelphia : Lippincott.

Frisch, Lowrence E. 2006. Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 3rd edition. Newyork : Thomson, Dealmar Learning.

Keltner, Norman L. 1995. Psychiatric Nursing 2nd edition. United State of America : Mosby.

Varcolis,Elizabeth M., Verna B. C.,&Nancy, C.S.(2006). Foundation of Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing: A Clinical Approach fifth edition .2006. Missouri : Saunders elsevier.

Videbeck, Sheila L.(2004). Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing 2nd Edition. Philadelphia : Lippincot Williams & Wilkin.

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Yosep, Iyus. 2009. Keperawatan Jiwa. Bandung : PT Refika Aditama

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